Wednesday, 11 December 2019

The Hidden Difficulties of Dyslexia at AISC

I was lucky to have such a great and responsive audience at the Asia Pacific International Schools Conference in Hong Kong for my presentation on the Hidden difficulties of Dyslexia.

It was good to share information about the Hidden difficulties particularly focusing on working memory, visual processing and auditory processing.  Many practical strategies were shared and professionals were able to look at useful resources which will be taken back to schools and colleagues.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Hidden Difficulties of Dyslexia workshop at Asia-Pacific International Schools Conference

I am delighted to be speaking at the Asia-Pacific Schools Conference in Hong Kong next week on the important topic of the Hidden Difficulties of Dyslexia.

 Although Dyslexia is a reading and writing difficulty there are so many other areas of life that are affected.  It is other areas like working memory difficulties, auditory processing difficulties, coordination difficulties and processing difficulties that cause much of the stress and fatigue for dyslexics.

I will be explaining the signs of these "hidden difficulties" and I will be sharing practical strategies to support dyslexic students in school and at home.